Environmental Agency gives the green light for waste-to-energy facility

Environmental Agency gives the green light for waste-to-energy facility

Environmental Agency gives the green light for waste-to-energy facility

The UK Environment Agency has issued an environmental permit for a waste-to-energy (EfW) facility in Essex.

The 49MW development, expected to supply enough electricity to power over 60,000 homes, will burn biodegradable waste from landfill to generate energy.

Furthermore, once operational, the project will work to strict emissions limits. This will ensure that the 35 metre incinerator chimney height doesn’t result in reduction of air quality for surrounding areas.

Frank Saunders of the Environment Agency commented;

“We are now allowing a stack height of 35 metres that we originally rejected in 2016. However, we believe that a lower stack is acceptable but only in conjunction with the significantly lower emission limits.”

Source: Energy Live News