Business as usual for The Energy Consortium (TEC)

Business as usual for The Energy Consortium (TEC)

Business as usual for The Energy Consortium (TEC)

We would like to reassure our members that TEC has a stringent business continuity policy which ensures that we can continue operating effectively regardless of any restrictions to normal business operations that may be required during this COVID-19 pandemic.

Should it become necessary to close our office, we have ensured that all team members are able to work remotely from home on laptops allowing us to continue as normal. Our office telephony system is set to allow phone numbers to be diverted to our mobiles and we can access all our work files remotely via the cloud using Office 365, in addition all of our team members have access to the other IT systems and programs that are required to carry out their normal duties.

Our current framework suppliers EDF Energy and Corona Energy are following official advice and have the appropriate business continuity plans in place to minimise any disruption.

We will keep you updated with any further relevant information as it becomes available.


Richard Murphy

Managing Director

The Energy Consortium (TEC)