Is the global climate agenda driven by cross-sector collaboration?
A leader in cross-sector collaboration is the private sector. Their leadership can come in two forms; providing technologies to make them easily accessible across multiple platforms and expert communication to boost awareness. The latter is particularly important as low public awareness is a great challenge in achieving the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).
Following on from this, the importance of Governments and multilateral organisations is shown through setting frameworks and targets to ensure the sustainable and efficient use of resources.
In addition, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) and non-profits can hold both the public and private sectors accountable through promoting their own transparency. They are also able to pin point important matters on all scales; regional to global.
“Cross-sector collaboration is truly at the centre of shaping the global climate agenda. When partnerships happen on a global scale, progress ripples outward, with greater impact for everyone. For real change to take root and nurture, working together is not just important; it is imperative.”
An area of great importance is the accessibility to renewable energy sources. Work is currently underway in the private sector to improve technologies, for example solar panels, to ensure they work in harsh weather conditions. This means they can be supplied to underdeveloped communities who are without access to electricity grids.
Cross-sector global partnerships are beginning to form, one particular formation is as members of the RE100 initiative. Companies such as IKEA, Microsoft, Sony and many more have committed to becoming 100% renewable. The action that these organisations are taking can influence members of the public to do the same. They are demonstrating that minimising our carbon footprint applies to everyone, from global organisations to individuals.
To read more about this subject, please follow this link to the World Economic Forum