Good news in the energy industry!

Good news in the energy industry!

Good news in the energy industry!

With all the bad news that seems to cloud the media it is good to look at the positives still happening around us!

Therefore, we thought we would take a look at the good news in the energy industry.

The Petersburg Climate Dialogue Conference encouraged this conversation. As shown in yesterdays article, amid the global crisis, Great Britain managed to break its record of coal free electricity generation.  Thus meaning renewables were the leading power source. Positive news for renewables!

Furthermore, as we move into the future we are going to see higher levels of renewable usage. This comes from wind and solar power being cheaper and more accessible for two thirds of the worlds population. Additionally, energy storage prices are beginning to drop dramatically.

Along with this good news, we have also seen positive developments in other areas. For example, Nestle UK have signed a deal to source power from a UK offshore wind farm and the University of Oxford have not only pledged to divest from fossil fuels but will now also ask companies that they invest in to have legitimate net zero strategies.

More on the Climate Conference, positive political statements and general good energy news can be found here on Business Greens website.