Our carbon reduction survey is open and many members have already responded but we need to hear from everyone!
Please check your e-mails from last Friday 13th October when the survey was issued or contact your Member Services Advisor for a link. Most members so far have been able to respond in about 20 minutes.
We need to find out how we can support YOU with your decarbonisation ambitions. We can only do that if we know which technologies you are using now and which you are planning to use in the near future.
The many responses we have already received give us an extremely valuable insight into members’ priorities BUT we need many more responses to ensure we have a complete a picture as possible of everyone’s needs.
So, please respond so we have information from as many different types of members as possible.
We will share some top line findings and insights from this initiative at our conference in November.
Dr John Brenton, Head of Carbon Reduction, TEC.
Learn more about John’s ambitions for TEC and its members in his blog here Blog: Dr John Brenton, Head of Carbon Reduction – TEC