Africa could satisfy a quarter of their energy needs through indigenous energy production

Africa could satisfy a quarter of their energy needs through indigenous energy production

Africa could satisfy a quarter of their energy needs through indigenous energy production

Due to the current crisis, Africa is moving their attention to indigenous energy production. This shift could result in a quarter of Africa’s energy needs covered by renewable energy.

Currently, Africa have 600 million people living without access to modern energy services. The African Union Commission (AUC) and the International Renewable Energy Agency  (IRENA) are working together to change this. As a result of their work, the renewable energy generated could power healthcare systems such as clean water and medical services.

So far, AUC have made great strides in energy development within Africa via partnerships and tailored programmes.

Commissioner for Infrastructure and Energy at AUC, Dr Amani Abou-Zeid, commeted;

“It is time to use Africa’s enormous renewable energy resources for the benefit of the African people in response to the coronavirus pandemic.”

Source: Energy Live News