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This week we welcomed our new Managing Director Adam Clarke

After his first week at TEC, our new Managing Director Adam Clarke, shares his experiences on becoming one of the team.

“As some of you will be aware, after 9 years Richard Murphy the current MD of TEC has decided to step-down to allow him to spend more time with his family.

Following a whirlwind first week, I wanted to drop out a brief note to introduce myself as the incoming MD of TEC.

My name is Adam Clarke and I officially started with TEC on Tuesday. I join TEC from EDF where I held a number of roles primarily concerned with Energy Trading & Risk Management, Energy Supply and most recently, I was the Head of PPA and Sustainability Solutions where we became the largest offtaker of renewable energy in the UK.

I’ve spent my first week here getting to know the team whilst working through a comprehensive handover plan with Richard who leaves at the end of March. It’s been a little while since I’ve been the ‘new kid in class’ and all have made me feel most welcome.

I’ve had the opportunity to join the Southwest and Southern regional events hosted by the TEC team, it was great getting to meet members from these regions and hearing how the TEC Frameworks are supporting them whilst exploring opportunities for further developments. My plan is to join as many of these regional events as I can to explore first-hand how you would like to see TEC evolve, I hope to see and speak to many of you at your regional event.

You are all aware that we are operating in unprecedented times with global energy markets setting new highs daily. I know that our Member Services team have been on hand to offer support and guidance as required – I encourage you all to continue to use these services as we navigate through these highly volatile and uncertain times.

The adage “the cheapest unit of energy is the one that you don’t use” has never resonated stronger in my 20-years in the industry. Where we can, I would encourage all to continue to explore ways to reduce consumption. Even the smallest reduction will have a material impact on this year’s finances as your TEC team sell back into inflated commodity markets.

As I’ve said, my plan is to spend time with the team and you as our members to learn more about the opportunities and challenges we are currently facing and to deliver affordable and sustainable solutions that will deliver members Net Zero ambitions. I will play back to you in April what I understand you as a membership are demanding of TEC.

Please feel free to drop me an email or to pick up the phone to chat through any thoughts or ideas on the advancement of TEC and the services we provide to you.”

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