September Monthly Round Up

September Monthly Round Up

September Monthly Round Up

Welcome to TEC’s monthly round-up. In this month’s edition we will be reviewing activity across the month of September.


TEC Conference 2024

Programme Updates
We’re thrilled to announce that Avery Chong, Energy Manager at Lancaster University, will be joining us for a member-led session on: “Decarbonising Heat on Campus: Lancaster University’s Low Carbon Heat Network Transformation.”

In this session, Avery will share Lancaster University’s journey towards heat decarbonisation, supported by the Green Heat Network Fund & the Heat Network Efficiency Scheme.

We are also pleased to share that your Framework Supplier EDF Energy will be hosting a breakout session to cover “New Framework Enhancements and Data-Driven Insights for TEC Members”

EDF will talk through the key changes and enhancements to the new electricity framework. Whether you are new to Energy or the TEC framework or have been with TEC for some time, this interactive presentation will focus on member level data and how EDF can support members in making energy related data-led decisions.

Don’t miss this opportunity and book your free space here:
Summary & Programme – The Energy Consortium 2024 – Delegates (


Benefits Statements 

In September we were pleased to share our 2023-24 Benefits Statements with our Members.

For the third year running we are delighted to share that our Member’s continue to benefit from a double digit return on fees spent within the TEC Framework, showing the strength of group buying with considerable savings achieved across the membership.

In 2023/24 the TEC Membership averaged a saving of £11.10 on every £1 spent on fees within the Framework for gas and electricity utilities and increased savings, in excess of £847,000, from the Water Framework rate vs Default Wholesale charges. Read the full story here TEC Members reap the benefits of being part of the TEC Framework – TEC


Supporting SOS UK

TEC Supports new SOS-UK sustainability campaign: We are pleased to share developments for SOS-UK’s Student Switch Off programme. Launched in 2006 to reduce energy consumption in student residences, the programme has reached 1.6 million students over 18 years, influencing behaviours and reducing energy and carbon footprints.

This year, the program is relaunching with a broader focus, including waste and water management alongside energy efficiency, promoting sustainable living. TEC’s support of SOS-UK will offer insights on energy performance in residences and assist with data analysis.

Read more here TEC Supports SOS-UK – Green Campus Revolution – TEC 


Wave Social Value Day

On Wednesday 4 September our water provider, Wave, came together with their valued customers to volunteer on the banks of the Mersey at the Festival Gardens, which marked its 30th anniversary this year. They were joined on the day by our members Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine and HM Courts and Tribunal Services as well as another group of local corporate volunteers.

Follow the link to read more about the success of the day –
A greener tomorrow: Wave’s latest corporate volunteering day in Liverpool | Wave (


Upcoming Events

To keep up to date with our Autumn Series of Webinars and Working Group Meetings, please follow the link to our events page  Events – T