Renewable generation within the EU broke records in May

Renewable generation within the EU broke records in May

Renewable generation within the EU broke records in May

In May, 55% of Europe’s energy was generated by wind, solar and hydro.

New results revealed a 48% renewable generation average for the UK, a 58% average for Germany and a record high of 31% average in France.

In addition to this, the carbon intensity of power supply in Europe dropped by over 20% which included a third less generation from coal.

Director of Strategy and Business Development at Wärtsilä Energy Group commented:

“Records are falling like dominoes and the impact this is having on national energy systems is showing us what we need to do to integrate extremely high levels of wind and solar for the long term. During the huge difficulties caused by Covid-19, we have been presented with a unique opportunity to learn how we can tackle the next big challenge, climate change.”

This news follows the news from National Grid ESO stating that May has been the greenest month ever recorded in the UK.

Source: Energy Live News