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Members benefits

We are the energy and procurement experts who will support you in the delivery of the four cornerstones of an effective energy management strategy:

WHy Choose TEC
Buy energy at
the “right price”
WHy Choose TEC
Only pay for
what you use
WHy Choose TEC
Only use what
you have to
WHy Choose TEC
to report

Fully managed supplier performance

A key part of the evaluation and award criteria on our energy supply frameworks is the customer service performance of the suppliers, and in their ability to meet our very high standards. We require our framework suppliers to report regularly on a range of Key Performance Indicators which measure their service in areas such as billing, query management and data provision.

This service includes having a dedicated team at the supplier, whose sole focus is supporting our customers and are put through a rigorous training programme before they join our team. In the event these standards are seen to slip below required levels, our active Supplier Relationship Management will escalate any resolution to the highest possible levels within the supplier organisation.

The energy contracts we make available to the suppliers via the frameworks are very desirable, we leverage this to the benefit of our Members and this means that your experience of an energy supplier via our frameworks is likely to be significantly enhanced versus a direct contract.

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Risk management services for flexible energy procurement

The ability to access flexible, risk managed energy purchasing arrangements is something which has become more widely available. Indeed estimates are that up to 80% of all energy purchased in the non-domestic market is via these arrangements.

It is critical, therefore, that your engagement with the wholesale energy markets via such a contract is carefully managed and employs a strategy which reflects your appetite for risk. A balance between “best price” and budget certainty is very difficult to achieve and it is easy to chase the promise of lowest price at the expense of a volatile unpredictable future energy bill.

Our risk management service is delivered via an experienced team who’ve operated in flexible energy purchasing in both public and private sectors and have refined the service over a number of years. Of course there is always the option to follow a different strategy, but the tools and benefits of buying as part of a large portfolio basket brings many benefits, not least the avoidance of the need to be consulted over every and any purchase or change in strategy.

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Advice and Support
When You need It

The choice
That is
Right for



The TEC Check - Bill Validation

Our new TEC Check is part of our ongoing commitment to providing value for our membership. We believe that leveraging data can support member institutions to liberate internal resource to focus on teaching excellence and other areas as required.

This service is a health check on the framework supplier’s invoices received by our members. We will highlight discrepancies by reviewing and calculating each component of the invoice. We support our members to resolve incorrect invoicing, providing a full report and peace of mind that institutions are paying only for the energy they use.

This report is also issued to the framework supplier/s, and the service is designed to be “post payment”. Pay now – argue later.

Whilst many bureau services offer Bill Validation and make claims of well over 100 checks on each invoice, here is a selection of industry standard checks that our experienced Data Services Team validate (the following is not an exhaustive list):

  • Account Number Matches
  • MPAN/MPR Matches
  • Correct Supplier
  • Correct dates
  • Do the reads follow on?
  • Is it an estimated or actual read?
  • Highlight consecutive estimated reads
  • Is it Mathematically correct? (Does the bill add up?)
  • Contract Tariff rates
  • VAT/Climate Change Levy rate
  • Billing elements – (Correct application of all regulated charges, including distribution, availability etc.)

The TEC Check was formulated and designed around feedback from our members on what they would want from a Bill Validation product and prior to launch piloted at various institutions for final testing. All of these steps ensured that we launched a new service that supports the needs of our members.

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Budget and

So you’ve chosen your method of energy contracting and want to be able to predict what your costs will be for the duration of the arrangement and beyond? In addition you want to know how your share of the flexible portfolio is performing in comparison to target costs or benchmarks?

Well, we provide access to a range of performance reporting and budgeting tools which not only take account of the rapidly moving wholesale energy cost element of your bill, but also the increasingly unpredictable, so-called, non-commodity costs. These include regulated transmission and distribution charges, carbon taxes and other levies as well as your own varied VAT arrangements. What’s more, much of this information is available down to an individual meter level so you can use it to support investment decisions in energy saving initiatives.

Annual Benefits
Reporting For
And Collaboration

Many organisations and institutions who are “spending the public purse” are targeted to evidence the benefits of choosing collaborative arrangements, often in support of a sector agenda to demonstrate efficiencies from these arrangements. We provide bespoke annual statements at both the institution and portfolio level to evidence spend through our collaborative programmes. They also cover both cashable and non-cashable elements of saving and the summary of these are provided to Government and sector bodies to underline the value of collaboration.

These statements are a very important tool for our Members in answering the question posed by leaders within their own organisation and to challenge some of the many competitors from the private sector when they all ask “Why TEC?”

Our vision is to see the UK Education Sector at the forefront of global energy challenges, leading collaboration and harnessing expertise to achieve a secure and sustainable energy future.
Member Benefits

As a Member you automatically gain access to a range of benefits, such as:

  • A range of energy procurement options including managed flexible procurement. This leverages the significant Member volume under contract to deliver lower supplier margins.
  • All the benefits of an “A” credit rated aggregated portfolio with similar usage profile, something all suppliers’ value.
  • Access to energy billing reporting and information via a variety of platforms to help ensure that the correct elements and rates are being applied to your bills.
  • The TEC Check, no cost bill validation for energy suppliers on our frameworks.
  • Delivery of demand management and energy efficiency products through comprehensive additional service arrangements with Framework suppliers.
  • A full suite of reporting allowing Members to see previous energy consumed and purchased. Forecast reports on budgeting for energy sourced through our frameworks but yet to be consumed.
  • Independent market intelligence reports not linked to any specific framework supplier are included, which help supports decision making on how and when we buy your energy.
  • A dedicated Member Services Advisor to provide support.
  • Free access and places on our CPD accredited “Energy Academy” providing comprehensive understanding of the energy industry and market.
  • Free places at our workshops and very special regional networking events which give our members access to energy experts and colleagues and peers to share best practice.
  • Access to the Members Area of this website with a whole host of features, including supplier energy prices, daily gas & power generation mix, independent market analysis, member forums and much more.
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