‘Each of us will write the future’ COP26 President states

‘Each of us will write the future’ COP26 President states

‘Each of us will write the future’ COP26 President states

Alok Sharma, COP26 President spoke at the COP26 Private Finance Agenda launch in London last month.

In his speech, he stated that with COP26 they want to ‘leave a legacy which stands the test of time and makes life better for future generations’.

In addition to this, he spoke of the actions that need immediate attention. These are:

  1. Adaptation and resilience: helping people, economies and the environment adapt and prepare for the impacts of climate change
  2. Nature: safeguarding of ecosystems, protecting natural habitats and to keep carbon out of the atmosphere
  3. Energy transition: seize opportunities of cheaper renewable energy and storage
  4. Clean road transport: accelerating the move to zero carbon road transport
  5. Finance: to power the transition into a net zero economy

Furthermore, he noted that a decarbonised society is the way to avoid the worst effects of climate change whilst still allowing growth.

He concluded his speech with the moving words;

“Each of us will write the future.

Our choices will make or break the zero-carbon economy.

Together, I know we can make the right decisions.”

For the full speech, please follow this link www.gov.uk