As we have now issued our benefits statements to our members (earlier than ever), we are using the extra time to reflect on the data. To start off with, we thought we would take a look at an overview of the full portfolio and this is what we found…
The spend in the 19/20 year was down by £4.5 million. This number even includes new member spend which was offset by the reductions due to the impact of the pandemic.
Despite this drop in spend, our framework is preserved as the largest spend in the HE sector in England and Wales and the second largest National energy framework.
Overall, in the last year, we have seen the following:
If you would like to read more about our 19/20 benefits statements and a deeper insight into the data collected, make sure you keep a look out over the coming weeks as we will be looking at areas such as savings, consumption, impact of the pandemic, like for like comparisons on 18/19 and 19/20 and who spends what.