Reducing UK Emissions: 2020 Progress Report to Parliament – Committee on Climate Change
The Reducing UK Emissions: 2020 Progress Report to Parliament by the Committee on Climate Change (CCC) was released yesterday.
The document is an update on the progress of reducing emissions within the UK over the past year and also provides advice on a green recovery following COVID-19.
The Committee have collated the most up to date evidence on the role of climate policies within the economic recovery. Within the report, the following five investment priorities are highlighted:
- Low-carbon retrofits and buildings that are fit for the future
- Tree planting, peatland restoration and green infrastructure
- Energy networks must be strengthened
- Infrastructure to make it easy for people to walk, cycle and work remotely
- Moving towards a circular economy
Alongside this, these three opportunities have been pinpointed to support the transition and recovery:
- Reskilling and retraining programmes
- Leading a move towards positive behaviours
- Targeted science and innovation funding
If you would like to read the full report, follow this link here to the Committee on Climate Change website.