Future Net Zero conducted a survey that found 73% of businesses still believe in supporting net zero plans following the Covid-19 pandemic.
78% of participants believe that the pandemic has provided the perfect opportunity to focus on net zero plans whilst 79% believe businesses should lead the change in net zero.
Over 50% believed that their net zero plans have been pushed back until lockdown is over with a further 25.5% predicted a minimum delay of a year. A fifth of those surveyed believe that net zero plans will be affected negatively by the result of the pandemic. These thoughts were due to ideas such as teams being furloughed, lack of confidence to invest and governance issues that will hinder net zero, to name a few.
In summary, many people believe this to be a business opportunity which is good news. Using technologies such as biomass and procurement tools to buy fair green energy alongside the value of being a net zero brand were all reasons for confidence.
Furthermore, it is believed that coronavirus has lead to a behaviour change. Working from home, travelling less and a better knowledge of the digital world have lead to this belief.
Finally, it could lead to social and environmental benefits. The current pandemic has encouraged people to think more about their community and environment. The survey has lead people to look at the cost of not acting immediately and how people look at waste and their daily activities.
Source: Future Net Zero.