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TEC TCR Briefing Webinar

We would like to invite our Members to a webinar we are hosting providing current information and changes to the Targeted Charging Review (TCR) on Wednesday 26th January at 10:00am – 11:00am.

We are joined by Peter Darke, the Senior Account Manager of our framework supplier EDF Energy. During the session he will be providing a high level overview of what TCR is, what changes are coming into place and why. This is aimed to provide a refresh on TCR and an insight to anyone who is not aware of it.

The second part of the session will consist of a live example of changes that Members can expect to see for their supplies. This will be based around the education sector and will help to illustrate what charges are likely to see the change in costs.

Please get in touch with your usual TEC Contact to book.

Event type: Location: Virtual Webinar
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